Santa's Jet Sleigh!

Now this is the first (and obviously) only glimpse we'll ever get of that rare machine, which undeniably proves, not only that Santa didn't live at the North Pole during the 1950s but somewhere in Northern Siberia, but that his sleigh was the property of the Soviet government — a clear indication that Santa was used by Stalin and his successors as a potent counter-propaganda tool to lessen the figure of Christ and forward a pagan bearded hedonist to replace him in the heart of Western children. Some even claim that Santa's looks may have been fashioned directly after Karl Marx's...

After inventing the Yak-16 "Fistful", using a museum's Yak-17 photo as a basis (see here), I thought it would be fun to turn the completed image into a Christmas card.

With the Fistful's cockpit being placed forward, there was now ample room aft of it and above the jet engine for loading all the goodies in a special open hatch...

Who ever said that Santa Claus uses reindeer? Here is firsthand evidence that he prefers Yaks!

Viewers' comments:
  • Appropriate that Kringle, instead of reindeer - gets a Yak to pull his load ! (Rekalnus)
  • LOL! Nice! (theF-man)
  • I used to joke that old St. Nick carried gifts in a C-5 or an AN-225. :D And how could I forget his escort of eight planes and and the Rudolph AWACS. :lol: (ONI-Defense)
  • Thay is very creative humorous looks like a fun model (Jamesanthony Flanagan)
  • This red star aircraft explains the red colour of Santa Claus! Thanks for the explanation! (Tophe)
  • I think the ASCC reporting code is "Festive". (David R. Townend)
  • Now, Yak-16 Handfull o'gifts ! (Jean Barbaud)

My comments:

If the ever-so-funny Jean Barbaud himself likes one of my humorous creations, I guess that is some kind of achievement!!

"Festive"? I like that, David! The Yak-16DM Festive (DM for "Ded Moroz", the Russian name of Santa Claus). But hey!? Christmas is supposed to be jolly, merry and everything... why do they call their Santa "Dead Morose"? LOL