Republic AP-75 "Thunderbird" vintage desktop

Here is a different type of work that what I'm used to (although I DID do a handful of similar stuff over the years, but not aviation-related).

In this I have attempted to recreate the desktop of an aviation company executive in the early 1960s. The model that appears on the left and on the brochure's cover is the Republic AP-75, a genuine unbuilt fighter proposal which was was the company's LRI (Long Range Interceptor) entry for the WS-202A program.

I chose to give it the name Thunderbird (in line with the company's string of "Thunder..." names for its aircraft, and to create, not only the fake brochure, but also some office setting to give it a greater sense of reality.

The aircraft pics are of a period company desktop model; the logo and slogan on the cover are genuine and taken from a Republic period advertisement.

Below right is the cover for the imaginary brochure in full color (click on pics to enlarge).

Viewers' comments:
  • Wow!!! This looks terrific!!! What a great concept!  Your cup do runneth over with grand ideas! (dinobatfan)
  • Nice work. :)(GTX_Admin)
  • That's cracking Stephane!  Thumbs Up (PR19_Kit)
  • Interesting stuff (dy031101)
  • Nice! The AP-75 is a real looker and your brochure shows it off well. (TBD)
  • Excellent concept (and execution) Stéphane  :) (apophenia)
  • Gorgeous work on the brochure and model. (elmayerle)
  • Beautiful presentation on the Thunderbird Stephane.  :-* (Doom!)
  • I guess this one could be considered as the Thunderchief's father [or sort of], right? (Roddy1990)
  • It was the forerunner of the Republic XF-103? (CUTANGUS)

Actually not on both counts. The F-103 (AP-57, F-105 (AP-63) and RF-105 (AP-71) all predated the AP-75, which competed for the Long range interceptor (LRI) program or WS-202A. My montage is a fake of course, but based on real photos of a real desktop model.

My comments: