Gloster CXP-1001

I do not often work on actual aircraft projects, but this particular work is especially dear to me because it concerns one of my pet "should-have-been" designs, the Gloster CXP-1001, an aircraft that was ordered by the Free Chinese government in 1946 and almost became Taiwan's first custom-made combat aircraft.

Since I wasn't satisfied with the various profiles and 3-view plans of the CXP-1001 at my disposal (most of which differed widely — and wildly — especially as far as the wing length was concerned), I decided to do one myself (see below right for these reference documents). I do not claim it to be perfect nor absolutely similar to the actual mock-up, of which no photo ever surfaced. I tried my best to make it coherent, using an old and very basic three-view as a reference point and adding to it from various sources.

The panelling of the Sharkit model served as an inspiration, and the nose gear was snatched from a Meteor T.7, with a two-part hatch (many depictions show a single panel hatch, so I admit this was a matter of personal choice here as to which one seemed the most likely). Needless to say, I welcome any criticism, constructive remarks and suggestions.

Viewers' comments:
  • Looks pretty good! :D (Roddy1990)

My comments: