Manufacturer: Rockwell International

Model: unknown

Name: Mockingbird

Type: Jet fighter


Status: Service test

Country: United States of America

Service: U.S. Air Force

Designation: unknown


For the USAF's F-X competition that would eventually spawn the new F-15 Eagle aircraft, Rockwell submitted the Mockingbird prototype, which reused some of the experience gained with the Valkyrie program in a much compact and agile form.

Although the Mockingbird performed well, the Department of Defense decided that Rockwell would already be busy with the B-1 contract and favored McDonnell Douglas instead.

Viewers' comments:
  • Wow nice! (theF-man)
  • Oh sweeeeet!! This is a wonderful take with a fighter derived from the B-70. I don't know if it would have worked, but it sure looks good!! :) I'm not so sure the name is the most fear striking in the world, but it is appropriate considering the source aircraft and the fact that it IS somewhat imtitating the Valkyrie. The name comes across as more of a CUTE sounding name, and I must admit, the plane is indeed cute to be sure, but it is also cool, and unfortunately the name "Mockingbird" just doesn't sound "Cool". Maybe this is why it got Canceled! ;) It is a fun and very fine design though. Thanks so much for creating it and sharing it (dinobatfan)
  • Great work! Interesting design =) (TheXHS)
  • Super! (Rekalnus)
  • Seems legit :D (EricJ562)
  • Uber sweet concept, I like well done kitbashes. I might even do a side drawing if I get the chance ;) (Jetfreak-7)

My comments:

Please do!!!