Here is an imaginary postwar Swiss jet fighter, the Pilatus J-1 Drachen ("Dragon"). Can you found out what aircraft I used as a basis?
Viewers' comments:
- Wow!! Nice to see!
- Looks great!
- Interesting dragon, while I prefer sharp noses. For the step by step lesson, I am amazed (Tophe)
- The fuselage could have started as some Dassault Mystere variant. (perttime)
- Very nice one!
Maybe Thunderstreak? (bearmatt)
- MiG 21? (wuzak)
- Well that was my thought + F.102/F.106 tail. I'm well and truly stumped now
- Tunnan? (pyro-manic)
- really sweet, first time iv seen a derived 'operational' Boulton paul P.111/120
funny it does look like something the Swiss would have designed in the late 50's prior to the Arbalete, Aguilon, etc. (tsrjoe)
- I recognised the canopy and the 'bump' on the rear fuselage by the exhaust – looks much better than my model of the Boulton Paul P.111. Do I get a prize as I did!
Stephane, you really have a great talent, your work is wonderful! (James)
My comments:
Congratulatiions to those who successfully identified the British Boulton Paul P.111 experimental jet, which I heavily edited to obtain a brand new aircraft.
A prize, James? Too complicated... My gratitude will be a good start! LOL
See tutorial below right for a quick review of how I created the Drachen.
- Neat
- It is indeed
- That's pretty darn clever Stephane, I'd NEVER have guessed it started life in Wolverhampton! (PR19_Kit)
- Interesting step by step lesson. (Tophe)
- im in awe, having tried tweaking an image pixel by pixel im truly impressed at the talents of those that make it 'look' easy (as i know its a lot harder than it looks !)
- Ack! He's giving away the trade secrets
Nice job on the step-by-step Stéphane (apophenia)
- Nice. This is like a magician revealing his secrets, to me. (MelvWolfe)
Cool! Hope you can learn the tricks and practise too!