Manufacturer: Northrop Grumman

Model: unknown

Name: Colossus

Type: Jet transport


Status: Service test

Country: United States of America

Service: U.S. Air Force

Designation: YC-49A


Another Northrop Grumman product, the C-49A Colossus transport used to carry spaceships or large unmanned vehicles piggy-back.

In this picture we can see the X-47B being released in flight from one of the four YC-49A prototypes.


This large carrier arcraft was adapted from a small Middle Eastern UAV! I added the engines and cockpit, resized it and placed it onto a background...

Viewers' comments:
  • Retro-futuristic!  Thumbs Up (dy031101)
  • Amazing! This aircraft looks really Unique! (theF-man)
  • Unique stuff to be sure. (Maverick)
  • I really like this one. Great job! (GF-44Phantom)
  • wonderful twin-boomer, thanks for this helping the twin-boom family to stay alive in this century. More joyful than a clasical cargo plane, and with an improved rear access thanks to the twin-booms... designer, you have made a winner, will a manufacturer ever build it? (Tophe)
  • Love this! Thumbs Up Bow (ysi_maniac)
  • Awesome Work Thumbs Up Thumbs Up has a 'Gerry Anderson' feel to the Colossus. (Cobra)

My comments:

Nah... Politicians will kill it before it leaves the drawing board, as usual...