Manufacturer: Grushin

Model: unknown

Name: Dvonoi Tandem

Type: Push-pull fighter


Status: Experimental

Country: Soviet Union

Service: Soviet Air Force

Designation: DSh


Going through a forum topic on the Soviet Kalinin K-12 prototype, in which the Grushin Sh, or Tandem was also discussed, I was inspired to create a development of the latter called the DSh Dvoinoi Tandem (Double Tandem).

Viewers' comments:
  • Sort of looks like the Dornier 335. (SomeRandomMinion)
  • great enrichment to the (axial nose & tail) push-pull family (Tophe)
  • The sheer oddity of that design makes me think it would do well in the Crimson Skies world... (Sauragnmon)
  • Iiiiiinteresting! Where does the undercarriage go though? the original is a taildragger. With the pusher prop on your version, that won't work. (pyro-manic)

My comments:

Can't see the Dornier 335 in this myself... but anyway...

As for the undercarriage, good point! I must admit that's a question I failed to ask myself when I created the Double-Tandem... Obviously there ought to be two separate sets of wheels, one retracting into the wings, the other retracting into the fuselage below the elevators.