Viewers' comments:
- Love this idea!
- Me as well
- Nice job on the baby B-58 (bluesman)
- Good idea. I might have done away with pylons for the engines and made a direct wing mount. (RussC)
- love your Dartmaster ... it's got a pugnacious look about it
- Great Work,Stargazer
i could just see the Dartmaster in WASP Livery,Scrambling to Support Stingray! Keep up the awesome Work (Cobra)
- Wow!! (McColm)
- I love the Dartmaster. I'll have to find and scan a drawing of a twin-engined B-58 based LRI. It's a most attractive design. (elmayerle)
My comments:
Are you saying that I conceived something that had already been considered 55 years ago? Oh blast!