Manufacturer: British Aircraft Corp. (Vickers)

Model: VC 10 Super 200

Name: none

Type: Jet airliner


Status: Operational

Country: Britain

Service: Commercial (BOAC)

Designation: none


Especially for Terence who asked for it... The Vickers VC10 Super 200. To the average onlooker it doesn't look imaginary, but in actual fact it is a stretched proposal with wingtip fuel tanks that was never built.

Only the discerning eye of a dedicated airliner lover like Terry will recognize this from the real-life Super VC10...

Viewers' comments:
  • Monsieur! Merci! (Terence)
  • beautiful ... what should have been :D (Joe Warner)

My comments:

My pleasure!   What will you ask for next? The Double-Deck VC10 ?